Our Courtyard House gains planning permission

Bursledon planning committee gives unanimous decision in favour of our contextually influenced contemporary design. Prior to our appointment the client had made 2 unsuccessful planning applications. Given the extremely sensitive nature of the site being in a special conservation area and in close proximity to 2 neighbouring grade II listed buildings we are delighted with how positively it was received.

Councillor Steve Holes

“This will be an enhancement to the conservation area and is an innovative way at looking at development issues in the area”

“This may be a model for future developments in the area”

Concillor David Airey

“I think this is a superb design and offers a lovely contrast to the old grade II listed building next door”

“I think the courtyard idea is really interesting, innovative and exciting”

Councillor Tonia Craig

“we can use this in the future as an example to go by”


Crossroads Cottages construction progress


Our Hill House design gains planning